Our Director

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Gail Sonnesso, MS is the founder and executive director of GEM Adult Day Services, Inc. Gail graduated from East Carolina University in 1996 with a MS in Rehabilitation Counseling and Vocational Evaluation. Her undergraduate degree is a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Psychology. In 2015 she completed a program in Geriatric Care Management at University of Florida, Gainesville.

Gail’s career working with older adults began in 1985. Employed in a 900-bed nursing home Gail’s responsibilities included providing therapeutic recreation for 80-residents. Volunteer experiences include working in a physical therapy department, and working with the occupational therapy staff to provide care for severely mentally ill patients in a long term psychiatric hospital.

Gail founded the Outer Banks Caregivers Support Group in 1997 and has developed and teaches “Caring Effectively” a class that offers effective person centered living that enhances caring for a person with dementia.

Gail is a Charter Board Member of the Healthy Carolinians of the Outer Banks, Member of the Community Coordinating Council, Outer Banks Community Collaborative Dementia Task Force, former Co-Host of the international “Arts and Dementia work group”,  past President of the Nags Head Lions Club, past member of The Elder Abuse Collaborative and a former member of the Dare County Nursing Home Advisory Board, Founder of the North East NC Respite Coalition, Art at the Park and Caring TEENS.